Community Engagement

Kentwood Police

Serving our Community with Excellence

The Community Services Bureau is a multi-faceted unit responsible for maintaining a high quality of life for the community, providing valuable services and ensuring safety.  As part of the  Professional Standards Division, the Community Services Bureau handles the social/community side of policing.  Community officers in this unit are assigned a specific geographical area of the City and work with community groups and businesses to address needs and concerns that may arise.  Officers also attend Neighborhood Watch meetings to provide crime and safety information and strengthen community relations.  The Kentwood Police Department prides itself on serving the community with excellence and, throughout the years, has developed and nurtured strong relationships with citizens, local businesses, and civic groups. The Kentwood Police Department is an extension of the Kentwood citizens’ desire for a safe and lawful community.  Our involvement in events and organizations outside of the normal “law enforcement” role help us to better serve this community.  Our presence at neighborhood block parties, school events, and area business meetings help us to stay connected to our community and serve them to the best of our ability.

phone: 616-656-6503